Thursday, January 29, 2015

Walking in the Garden

Genesis 3:8-15
8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day...

I love to garden and I live in the city so I don't have much room for one, but my hubby and I turned an old dog kennel area into a little garden for me! (That is a picture of it below before I put in raised beds) I have spent many early mornings there in prayer and enjoying the peacefulness. I can't help but think how wonderful it would be if the Lord just showed up and we walked in my garden. Granted, it would be a short walk, my garden is about 60 feet long, but what would we talk about? What advice would He give me to better grow my garden? To better grow my life and the lives of my children, my marriage? What weeds would he tell me to eliminate right away and work hard to keep away? Weeds of bitterness, backbiting, anger and jealousy? Weeds choking out self discipline and time spent in His Word? Our lives are just like a garden, we need to allow the Lord to walk and talk with us there and let Him grow beauty in us.

"Father, walk in the garden of my life. Show me where you want to grow me and prune me. Show me the weeds that need to be removed and what I need to plant in their place. Let my life glorify You in every part of it. Amen."

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