Thursday, February 19, 2015

Greener Pastures

Genesis 13:11

11 Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan; and Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves the one from the other.

We have all heard the expression; the grass is always greener on the other side. In this passage, Lot chose the best looking land but he was not aware that Sodom and Gomorrah could and did provide temptations strong enough to destroy his family.

I remember the day I read this. I was sitting on my patio swing in the early morning sun, enjoying the birds and all my flowers and the Lord began to deal with me about what Sodom and Gomorrah’s I had allowed in my life and in the lives of my children, and in our home. Things like really good movies, with questionable content. How about music with a great beat that sings about cheating on your spouse. Consider a poor or defensive attitude, that when raised, gives room for justification for actions we know were not right. 

My children are all grown now, and I have a handsome grandson, but if  I could turn back the pages of time, I would choose much more carefully what I allowed in our home and in our lives. There is nothing, I repeat nothing, that is more important than the ground we lay for our children.  It is ground worth fighting for and standing up for.  Ground worth the time and effort of sowing and watering and weeding, ground that requires constant prayer and seeking the Lord's direction for.

“Father, show us where we have allowed Sodom’s and Gomorrah’s in our lives, our homes, our marriages and our families. Quicken our hearts when we may be taking a step to the wrong ‘pasture’. Draw us closer to You every day and help us to be a light to our families and to a lost world. Amen.

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