Monday, July 6, 2015

Repeated Prayers

Genesis 18:23
23 And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?

This verse, followed by many more, is Abraham pleading with the Father to not destroy Sodom & Gomorrah. I love how God was so patient and loving with Abraham toward his requests.
In verse 32, after Abraham had asked God to go from 50 righteous to 10, God was not angry with him or annoyed. God was willing to spare the cities for 10 and I believe if Abraham had asked for only 1, He would have spared them for only 1.  
This passage is such a beautiful example of Abraham interceding for his family. Abraham knew Lot and his wife and children were living in Sodom & Gomorrah and perhaps he suspected partaking in some of the lifestyles there. 
As a parent and a grandparent I believe we carry an awesome responsibility to intercede daily on behalf of our family members, especially those who are not serving the Lord. 
I remember a conversation I had with my late Father in law.  He said to me, "Daughter in Law (he often called me that) I pray for each of you, by name, every day."  I didn't realize it then, but that knowledge was so comforting.  When he passed away. my first thought was, "Whose going to pray for us everyday now?"
As a Mom who has children not walking with the Lord, I deeply desire the prayers of my parents for their grandchildren.  I often stop and think, who is praying for my children along with me?  Whose children am I praying for besides mine?  It is a comfort to know when others share your burden, and we must do the same.
“Father, we lift before your throne our loved ones who are not walking with You. Stir up the spirit man in our children and grandchildren. Stir the gifts and purposes You have placed in their lives and awaken a spiritual hunger in them that can only be filled with You. Amen”